Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spring is Near

It's the last day of February and here it is still snowing in Smalliver. What's going on here?
Scott must have been having the same thoughts yesterday while he was working in Ktown. So he sent me some beautiful tulips to 'brighten' my day. And they sure did the trick! I was grinning the whole rest of the day at work and thinking of spring.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weekend Wontons

It's the weekend and time for a treat! I had some wonton wrappers in the fridge and a new recipe that I was itching to try. Of course I modified it to suit my own tastes and ingredients in the house. Rave reviews from my number one tester, Scott. Then off to the friends house to share a little sweetness with the gang. So easy to make and so yummy! What a great way to end the weekend...

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Container Store

I came across the name of this chain of stores in one of my craft magazines of a craft room makeover. I was greatly intrigued by all the products they sold for specifc organizational purposes, especially for my creative office/workroom. I visit this site frequently and hope to visit a location one day. But at the same time, I am afraid I would spend a lot of money in this store.
You see, I am guilty of what a lot of people may suffer from but are afraid to admit to...I love to set about organizing a certain area of my life/home with lots of good intentions and big plans only to get caught up in all the great 'things' that I need to buy to help me achieve this goal. Then I have more things to organize and it all becomes a vicious cycle. Just ask Scott how I am not allowed to go to Tupperware parties anymore.
I believe stores like 'The Container Store' feed the habit from which I suffer. That is why I am very afraid of setting foot in one of their establishments without going spend crazy. But at the same time I can't wait for the day to come when I get to see this great Mecca in person and not just a casual browse on the net. I may not be strong enough yet but one day...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Discovering Google Earth

Scott's parents, Alf & Jill, were over for supper tonight, but little did they know that they were in for an international internet adventure. Scott pulled out his laptop and took them on a visual tour of this 'free' site called 'Google Earth'. Now I'm sure that a lot of you internet techies know about this amazing tool to see anywhere on this great planet called Earth, but it is fascinating for those of us who do not know all the wonders and capabilities of the internet and computer technology. Scott was able to show Jill & Alf satellite images of places that he had been on tour, old houses that they had lived in years ago and world famous monuments in far off lands. It was great to see Scott connecting with his parents in this new way and teaching them something new from his world.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Funny Valentine

Of all the cards that we receive in our lives from our loved ones, it's a hard job to choose from which ones to keep and which ones to let go. Scott & I have come up with a plan for all our future Valentine's Days. We are going to exchange the same cards back and forth to each other every Feb.14. This way we can reduce on the rush to get 'the perfect card', the waste of buying yet another one that will end up in the recycling and then the feelings of guilty because we threw out a loved one's sentiments. We now have a record of our past Valentine's Days and a nice little note of love written from each year. It may seem sappy but isn't that what Valentine's Day is all about.
PS. If you want to start this tradition, a word of advice:
You have to remember where you put those cards away from the last year's holiday celebration or it just doens't work!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Back to Reality

Tomorrow it is back to work for both Scott & I after being off for five days together. It was great to sleep in late(eventhough it was mostly because we both have colds), enjoy some homecooked meals and get reacquainted after his long journey away from home. The dogs and I had settled into a new routine while Scott was away and now we have all readjusted back to having everyone safe at home. But tomorrow we get back to reality until the next day off together.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Gifts from the Heart

Being that it is Valentine's day on Wednesday, Scott & I ventured into the nearest shopping mecca so that I could get his gift. He had already given me my gift when he arrived home. He can't keep things from me and gets so excited about gift giving, I love that about him. My gift is pink for Valentine's Day and I love that it's so small and just right for me.
I ended up getting him this as he has the second book written by the same author and thoroughly enjoyed it on his bus tour trip, when he had a moment to actually read it. We also picked up this title, but we both agree it is not quite Scott's type of humour and will be exchanging it for something else on our next visit. I had seen it upon it's release at Chapters and it was selling so well that I thought it would be a funny read. But my mistake was that I had never actually opened it up to see what it was all about. I guess it goes to show that you really can't judge a book by it's cover.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Home Coming

Scott is finally home! But he almost didn't make it. When I went to the airport to pick him up, there were a lot of delayed and cancelled flights today due to all the fog and limited visibility. But his was one of the few planes that touched down. I thank God for the great pilot who landed his plane safely and brought him home. And now it's a few days together before we get back to the real world of work and life in Smalliver.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

MOSH Pits Explained by Scott

Some people don't realize what a MOSH pit is. Basically 1500-2000 kids (and adults) cram themselves into an enclosed area and go crazy. Inside the "pit" you will see slam dancing, usually a small circle opens up and a group of people will basically bash into each other. Sometimes one person will dominate the circle and try to stay in it while other people are trying to push him out. Kind of like "King of the Hill" in elementary school. The most popular activity in the "pit" is crowd surfing. One person crawls on top of the crowd and the crowd lifts them up and floats them around the pit. You can see some people surfing in the picture below (taken at our Ottawa show). The security guys down front catch them and put them back into the pit via a side entrance. On this tour there has been very few injuries; some broken noses, smashed lips and heat exhaustion is about it. The rule in the "pit" is if someone falls down you pick them up. The guys from Anti-Flag actually manage to organize the crowd into a "circlepit". Basically what happens is they get the people on the floor to open up a hung circle and everyone runs in the same direction. This video shows an Anti-Flag circlepit at the Warped tour (sorry for the swearing), this is about the same size we have been getting on this tour. I hope that explains a MOSH pit. It looks dangerous but it really isn't that bad.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Found Memories

As I was sorting through my soon-to-be organized craft room, I came across my dayplanner from the year 2000. As mentioned in a previous blog, I love going through my old planners and calendars to remember what events took place that year that have shaped my life. On Feb. 2, 2000 I found a notation that simply said 'Scott Movie'. Those two words may be insignificant to most but to me it was the beginning of the best thing that has happened to me.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

To The Pets We Love...

Pet owners are unusual people. We love to baby our furry friends beyond sensibility. We call them cutesy names and spoil them with treats and toys. Some even get dressed up in little designer outfits with extravagant collars and accessories. But they are an extension of our family and are loved as such.
So when my little Logan, who is not so little anymore at 45lbs, went for his little snip job today, I was feeling a little bad for him. And then when he has to wear this big plastic cone around his head to prevent him licking his stitches...well, I think the picture says a thousand words or in his case, yelps and whines. He is recovering pretty good so far. Definitely not his usual jumpy, hyper self but I have found him to be very snugly. He wants to just lay across my lap and cuddle. Which is very nice, but again, he is not a little lap dog at his size. And when he snuggles, our other dog gets jealous and wants me to give her some attention too. So one hand is scratching Kali's belly while the other one is petting Logan. How do mom's of multiple children do it. Lots of love and understanding. And a few puppy treats don't hurt either.