Pet owners are unusual people. We love to baby our furry friends beyond sensibility. We call them cutesy names and spoil them with treats and toys. Some even get dressed up in little designer outfits with extravagant collars and accessories. But they are an extension of our family and are loved as such.
So when my little Logan, who is not so little anymore at 45lbs, went for his little snip job today, I was feeling a little bad for him. And then when he has to wear this big plastic cone around his head to prevent him licking his stitches...well, I think the picture says a thousand words or in his case, yelps and whines. He is recovering pretty good so far. Definitely not his usual jumpy, hyper self but I have found him to be very snugly. He wants to just lay across my lap and cuddle. Which is very nice, but again, he is not a little lap dog at his size. And when he snuggles, our other dog gets jealous and wants me to give her some attention too. So one hand is scratching Kali's belly while the other one is petting Logan. How do mom's of multiple children do it. Lots of love and understanding. And a few puppy treats don't hurt either.
oh! i remember the days with that cone. poor Logan. he will be feeling better soon, i'm sure.
Poor Logan. And "Daddy Scott" isn't there to help give him comfort. Tell Logan, daddy will be home soon. LOvE Granma P
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