Monday, November 16, 2009

Warm Autumn Treats

Jackson & I got into a baking mood first thing in the morning yesterday. Okay, in actual fact, it was Mommy who was in the mood and Jackson who needed a little distracting so Daddy could get a wee bit more shut eye since he had a 6am fire call after only getting home from working a concert the night before at 2am.

So out came the flour and mixer and sugar and all the yummy ingredients to make Daddy some treats when he woke up. I almost succeeded in keeping Jackson from eating most of the mixings and batter but what's the fun of baking if you can't sample the process. He is such a great little helper when counting out the scoops of flour and an even better 'dumper' when adding it to the mixing bowl.

But I think his favourite job was putting on the special fall leave sprinkles (thanks Aunty Joy!). One shake for the cookie, oops that one didn't get on so into my mouth, and look there's another one for me.

Then into the oven to wait and watch while they bake up nice and big. The waiting is the hard part. Especially when they come out piping hot and smelling so good but you have to wait until they're cool enough to enjoy.

I think that's what actually woke up Scott, the delicious smell of warm chocolate chip oatmeal cookies from the oven.
Great way to wake up on a Sunday morning...


Surprised Suburban Wife said...

You are a GOOD wife, no a GREAT wife. I have to ensure that Brad never reads this post and learns what other wives do for their husbands!

ps - Megan says she's a good scoop dumper too:)

sparadis said...

Jackson you can come and bake at Grammies house with your Mom.

Sheri said...

i love the photo of scott and jackson :)