On Saturday Jackson & I went to the "Family Fair for Kids" at the local recreation centre. It was sponsored by Communities with Heart to inform families of the programs offered in their local areas for young children. While we were there we visited the regional library booth, actually mommy was drawn to the books as she always is whenever we go anywhere. We discovered that a library program for 2 yrs and under was starting that same week, so we signed up!
We arrived at the library yesterday at 10:30am right at the start time as Mommy still hasn't quite mastered arriving with a little one at least 10-15min before schedule as she used to do B.J. (before Jackson). I was relieved to see that it hadn't started yet and others were just settling into place. We met some great new little friends and their mommies while we listened to stories about bears. Then there was a little singing and puppet play. As I sat there and listened to the very patient librarian try to keep the attention of 6 little ones under the age of 3, I thought to myself that we must be very loud and disruptive for the others in the library. But my worries were put to rest as the librarian told us that we would have time to look for books for our children & ourselves before they opened for regular business hours. Wow! Special treatment in one of my most favourite places. Jackson & I picked out a few titles to read for the week before we finished up for the morning and put them into our new library bag. And we can't wait to go back and see everyone again next week and pick out more books.
As you can see from the picture, Jackson and I have been enjoying our new reads during today's storytime. We picked out a great board book about animal jobs, a cute little fun one that caught Mama's eye called 'Urban Babies Wear Black' that we are sure Daddy and Aunty Sheri would love. We even had a new friend recommend a great book for babies Jackson's age that has a lot of big black & white illustrations that mesmerize the little literary lover. And yes Grandpa & Grandma P, those are two french storybooks in our collection. Can't start them too young...