Everyday I wake up and thank the Lord for such an awesome blessing that He has given me. Jackson is my joy and Scott is my love. They make me so happy. Yet we seem so busy in the everyday of life that I feel like I am missing some of the 'good stuff'. But not so when you listen to the little guy. Let me tell you that Jackson is teaching me a lesson or two that I think we should all heed.
A few weeks ago, Jackson & I had been doing errands and shopping in the afternoon. He had been very well behaved overall even considering that he had not had a full nap and he was stuck in a shopping cart for over an hour. Upon completing our purchases, we proceeded to the van where I started strapping him into his seat. He was gently protesting saying, 'No, Mommy. No sit more.' When I asked him what he wanted, he immediately replied, 'Run around.' Here my little guy just wanted to run off a little energy and I was preparing to lock him into yet another restraining device. I explained that we were in a parking lot with cars and could not run around. We would have to get in the car and drive to a park to play in if this was what he wanted. He stated, 'No, Mommy. Run around, now.' I thought for a moment, why do we always have to do things our way, why not listen to the kid and make a compromise.
So we unstrapped him, locked up the van and walked to the far end of the parking lot where there were hardly any cars. There we held hands as he walked all along the cement curbs. Up and down, jumping and balancing, examining rocks and leaves. We went from one end of the huge parking lot to the over. And by the time we reached out starting point, he was about done and ready to get back into the vehicle. He loved our simple time in that unconventional playground. And I loved him for reminding me to just slow down and enjoy the moment before it passed. And now I have this moment to hold onto and pass on to you.
Slow down and just listen to the little one beside you. Put down the laundry, leave that book where it was thrown, don't worry about what's for dinner, stop fretting over that news story you just saw and just enjoy a few minutes of play with your kids. Trust me, it's time well spent. And worth making the memories. Thanks for sharing ours.
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