Wow! The month is already half over and I am only on my second posting of the month. Where does the time go? So this posting will be a mishmash of happenings over the last few weeks in no particular order...
Hold on, here we go...
Jackson's first dentist appointment...
Very good first time patient. Loves his new toothbrush, can't wait until he's bigger and can get into the dentist's treasure chest for the cool toys & treats.
Momma & Daddy's newest project...or should I say, never ending project.
Cleaning out Jackson's closet. Sorting the outgrown, wearing-right-now and soon-to-be-wearing. Note the new plastic tubs for organizing and storing.
Valentine's day treats.
Yummy mini cupcakes from Momma's work. Fresh 'blooming cinnamon buns' Valentine's morning for breakfast. Yum Yum!
I can feed myself with a little help.
Jackson has mastered the spoon to the mouth with a little help of loading. He's got really good aim but sometimes gets a little over excited that the food on the spoon gets flung onto the helper. But 'A' for effort for our little man!
I just love the funny faces that come out of our little guy.
And I am so thrilled that I was able to catch this great one. So funny!
And this one!!
He reminds me of Popeye here...hee hee!!
Daddy's UFC treats.
Momma made Rocky Road Cupcakes for Daddy to take to his UFC party.
I got some of my own little mini ones. Cute & Sweet, just like Jackson.
Never to far from my ball.
Jackson seems to always know where the closest one is even when we haven't spotted it yet.
He loves any ball, any shape or size. His favourites lately have been Daddy's 10 lb medicine ball and his Nerf ball that he loves to throw right at you, thank goodness it's made of sponge!
So we are pretty much caught up so far but stay tuned for more of of wacky adventures...
WOW It looks like he has red highlites in his hair. Grandma P has lots of boxes of tissues for AJ.
very cute cupcakes.
glad his dentist visit went well. good for you guys. we need to do that soon too.
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