Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Friends and Old Friends

Due to the miraculous creation of the internet, blogs and Facebook, I have been able to catch up with an old friend, Eva, from high school. As we started filling in the details of our years since school, we found another common bond, we were both pregnant and due within a few weeks of each other. It was great to have someone to share the wonders and woes of our 40 weeks of procreation. And now that our little bundles have arrived, born just three days apart, we have even more to share; from breastfeeding successes to new milestones being met by our little beans.

During my recent visit to the coast, we were able to actually meet up at Jackson's baby shower. And then later that same week, Jackson, Grandma P and I took a trip across the big bridge to visit Eva and her new daughter, Megan at their home. I think there was some instant bonding between the babes, but no worries, their moms were there to chaperone so no hanky panky took place. Jackson and I are so happy to have these new and old friends with whom we hope to share our new life adventures.


sparadis said...

I wonder what stories they were telling each other?

Sheri said...

i like how Jackson is turned and curling up beside her. what a little flirt!

Eva said...

We loved seeing you and look forward to more visits as Megan & Jackson grow up!