Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stepping into Bed

So we have embarked into a new phase today...
We took off the side of Jackson's crib, creating his toddler bed complete with a safety railing. I had attempted to complete the transition of the crib on my own when Scott was away this past weekend, but this was just not to be for me to do on my own.

Alas, the odds were stacked against me. I wanted to do it before Scott got home on Monday all by myself (+ 1 little helper), but when I started trying to find all the right bolts and pieces for the transition railing it just didn't work out. First, the bolts were missing; fine, I can buy new bolts (once I found the correct measurements and style). Second, the holes to secure the railing were not aligned; that's okay, I can make an adjustment to the tightness of the bolt and it will stay in place. And lastly, the railing wobbled if you tipped it; okay, I get the point, get a new railing! So, Jackson slept with the 'Mommy-tried-her-best' rail guard for one night and proceeded to fall out of the a fore mentioned tippy railing the next morning, talk about super guilt inducing moments. No bumps or bruises so we are all good to go.

So being the great daddy he is, Scott went to Walmart today to get a proper safety railing. Then after dinner, the 'boys' pulled out the tools and did a little assembling. Jackson just loves to get right in there. All you have to do is mention tools and he's there with helping hands.

He's also graduated to a pillow as he loves to pull Scott's pillow around our bed and flop all over it. It's actually kind of weird how he goes a little crazy when playing with Scott's pillow, not mine, just his! So that being said, he had a little pillow from Grammie that we have been holding onto until he was ready. We'll find out if the pillow works for him or not in the morning. And I think we are pretty safe on the bed exiting as he has a little stool to help him into and out of bed. And as yet, he had not managed to open door handles in the house so escaping in the night/early morning is not a factor, but I'm sure it will be very, very soon for our crafty little man. Wish us luck on the sleeping front!

Next step...
Changing his room decor from baby to little guy.
aka...Bye bye fishes! Hello Fast & Furious (Cars & Things that Go!)


Sheri said...

It's neat how their interests change from the baby type things to more of the little boy / toddler.

Good for you for attempting the bed on your own.

Surprised Suburban Wife said...

Exciting stuff! What motivated you to start making this transition? Keep us posted on Jackson's progress please!