Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Our Linus is Walking...

We did not think that Jackson would become attached to any of his stuffies or toys as you may think a child does at his age, but we did not think that he would have such an obsession with balls either. Seriously, the first thing out of his mouth in the morning is 'ba, ba, ba' which roughly translated means where's my ball? And this does not stop all day long when a ball is in his general vacinity. But that's a whole other posting...
But as of late, Jackson has been dragging his little green blanket around with him. And at bedtime it is the first thing he is reaching for when he starts nodding off. It's funny because it reminds me of his Aunty Joy's blanket that she used to carry with her all the time when she was little. And while Jackson's blankie is still in one piece, it resembles her blanket in the fact that they both bear the same satin silky edge. And that is what has drawn our little guy to his blanket. He finds comfort in stroking the soft ribbon of fabric as he settles down for a snooze. And that is exactly how his Aunty was as well. Of course, it got to the point where she had 'loved' her blanket so much that all that remained was an empty square of silky ribbon. And so he has started to resemble Linus van Pelt from the Peanuts cartoon strip. But that's okay because Linus was always my favourite. And boy could he be inventive with his blanket. A regular Macgyver that Linus was! So I don't mind the comparison so much. But I do not understand this chewing of his blankie he has started to do. That is until I watching an episode of Jon & Kate plus 8, where they have 'chewies'. So my kid isn't totally weird, he chews on everything else, why not his blanket!

More news on the Jack-man front...
Jackson has officially moved from crawler to walker. He has been taking tiny steps over the past month or so, but over the last few days a couple of mini steps have turned into six or more consecutive strides. We are so proud, but just a little anxious... We no longer have a little man on his knees but a toddler in the true sense of the word. And although he was pretty tentative in his first couple of steps, he has no fear of surging forward full force whether his body is following the momentum or not! Needless to say, he has had a few tumbles but nothing major enough to stop our rambling wanderer. As mentioned before, he is our little toughie who just picks himself up and keeps on trekking.

I was afraid that my returning to work would mean that I would miss a lot of his new 'firsts' but that is not the case at all. I have found that I am so much more appreciative of these milestones because of being away all day. I know that sounds weird but I have discovered that if I was with Jackson all day every day, I may not notice or treasure his newest feat. But now I actually come home and celebrate his accomplishments and achievements with Scott everyday. I look forward to discovering what his day has held and what new skill Jackson has mastered. I know I can't possibly be with Jackson for every moment of his day, aka. smother mother, so I am just grateful for the time I do have with my little man. Whether it be our early morning breakfast routine of chatter and clatter (Jackson chatters non-stop to Momma as I run around, that's the clatter part, getting us both ready for our day) or our bedtime cuddles and prayers. I cherish every moment that I spend with my family. And I may not tell them often enough, but I do love you and am very blessed for every second we have together.


Surprised Suburban Wife said...

Go Jackson! He looks so grown up in that last picture, even though he is holding a blankie!
And I totally agree that you notice more when you're away from your "baby" for a few hours. Notice and treasure.

sparadis said...

Walking leads into running. Jackson, Grandpa & Grandma P has lots of room here to walk/runaround inside and outside. Come on down to visit us, bring your Mom & Dad with you.

Sheri said...

oh, he's so sweet Joanne.
yes, you do appreciate the special time you have with them when they spend a portion of their day away from mama.