As you can see from these photos, Jackson has developed his necessary motor skills to accurately operate Daddy's laptop in order to view his preferred selection of Veggie Tales. OK, Mommy & Jackson are checking out our favourite Silly Songs with Larry on YouTube, but soon it will be all by his own doing with his keen interest of all things that make noise or pretty bright lights and action.
On the food front, we have progressed from mushy cereal to textures. Being that the rice cereal has gone down so easily we have added homemade smashed up steamed veggies. The winners so far in the flavour category is sweet potatoes by a landslide, with carrots at a strong second and peas struggling to get past the starting block with all the faces we endured. And if it were up to Daddy, Jackson's next exploration would include the phrase, 'Bring on the meat!' We are trying to keep the introductions to a new vegetable a week and making the food ourselves with these great little keepers. So handy when making the weekly food supply!
Thanks to some great playtime at a friend's place recently, we have replaced Jackson's big wool rug with these great foam mats. They make for an easier and safer play surface for our little man in motion on his hardwood floors. He has come a long way in mobility and almost-but-not-quite-crawling. Yikes! Don't want to think of crawling yet as that leads to walking and that means baby proofing everything!
Daddy likes to refer to these mats as his first training mats for MMA (mixed martial arts). You can often find Daddy coaching Jackson and his willing training partner, Cheesy Monkey, as they 'take to the mats' for some new techniques and maneuvers complete with the intimidating 'game face'. Boy does he look like his papa when he makes that face! I keep hearing that Jackson looks so much like me, but every time I see his melt your heart smile, or crinkle in his forehead, or bright, wide-eyed playfulness, I see his Daddy!
I definately see Scott in the top photo (the little scowl).
I'm glad he's liking his food (not surprised...he comes from a family of "eaters"). Heh, heh.
So cute.
He is so gorgeous Joanne! Looking more and more like a little boy and less baby-like every time I see pics of him (sniff sniff).
On the food front, if you haven't tried them yet, I recommend avocadoes - they're Megan's favourite these days, and are mash-able without even cooking.
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