Jackson's newest taste experience has been avocado. And so far he loves them straight up with no cereal added! Our boy is beginning to be a purest where he prefers his foods separated without all the mixings, who am I kidding, he just loves food no matter how you make it. But as you can see from the pictures above, he tends to get a little sleepy while eating his mashed up meal. Of course this could also be due to a time table conflict with his morning nap. I couldn't resist snapping a couple of shots as he is just so cute even with green goo on his face. And it was a perfect opportunity for us to use one of the multitude of features on his new tricked out
chair; the 3 position seat recline. So handy when our little muncher gets sleepy while snacking, just a gentle recline and voila! no face in the food for our little man.
Here is a rundown of our jammed packed weekend out and about in our little community of Smalliver with the family.
Friday started off with a visit to Grandma & Grandpa Schaffrick's for more
playtime with the cousins. Lots of energy needed by Uncle Scott to keep up with the two older cousins...soon it will be four little ones to tumble with once Jackson & Fynn find their footings to go, go, go!
Saturday, the first day of summer, was spent at the opening of our local farm & craft
market. We were out to support the community and celebrate the opening of the new structure in the park for our town's summer farmer's market. And as our luck would have it, we ended up winning a draw prize while we perusing the local fare (actually it was one of Jackson's tickets). A great start to the summer by our standards; great walk, great fair, great free gardening gear, great afternoon with the family!

Later that evening, Jackson & I were off to support some friends on their 12 hour walk for the
Relay for Life. Last year Jackson completed the walk on the Valley First team while hitching a ride in Mommy's tummy, this year we showed up with some sugary
Timmies treats to keep them going through the night and lots of moral support, which included lots of cuddles and smiles from Jackson. We even got to see Mommy's new Belly Dance Boot Camp instructor, Nerissa, perform her beautiful belly dance moves for the entertainment of these amazing people who are dedicated to the fight against cancer. Unfortunately nowadays we are all touched by this awful disease in one way or another, but I just want to give a huge shout out to all those who stuck it out and participated in this inspirational walk. Thanks for all your fundraising and dedication to the cause.
Then came today, Sunday, the end of the weekend for most, but what's a weekend when you're on maternity leave or a mom for that fact, you never get a day off! But I'm not complaining, I am loving every minute of my time with little Jack-Man!
We had a lazy morning of taking turns sleeping in while the other had some quality one-on-one Jackson time. Then it was his turn to have a nap while we had a little adult time to catch up on us. This was followed by lunch out in the sunny backyard and then a stroll around the 'hood to walk off those extra few chips I just didn't need. Then off to work for Scott, only three more shifts to go, and a nice little nap for Jackson while I made this week's treat for our local fire heroes, just because I like to make 'em and they love to eat 'em. And just as I was thinking about what I was going to have for dinner, Uncle Spencer & Aunty Brenda offered to share their BBQ supper in exchange for some snuggle time with my fussy little guy. So we bundled up the gear and walked around the block for a great night of visiting and catching up on all the new adventures in our lives. And now you are all up to date too!