You may have heard of this book on Oprah or maybe from a friend or even in an ad on TV. I had heard of it a few years ago and never really looked into it any further than a quick glance at the uninspiring cover as I am a guilty 'cover reader', if it appeals to me, I'll read it, if not, no second look:(
But as I was perusing my 'friends' titles in their picks, I came across this book yet again. So I hopped over to the local library website and found that it was a minimum 15 person wait for the book, but the dvd was available right away. A hold was placed and within days the library was calling that I could pick it up.
As I watched this short 91 minute film, I was filled with such positive energy and peace. From
'The Secret' I received the message that I can have all I have ever imagined if I just ask for it, believe it, then receive it. Life is based on the law of attraction. All your thoughts, be they positive or negative, attract the same type of energy in your life.
I am not trying to be preachy, only sharing what I have learned. But let me leave you with a few quotations to inspire you to seek 'The Secret' for yourself. You may find, like myself, that you can't judge a book by it's cover...
'All that we are is the result
of what we have thought.'
'Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of
Life's coming attractions.'
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
'Whatever the mind of man can conceive,
It can achieve.'
W. Clement Stone (1902-2002)