Thursday, November 30, 2006

My First Blog...Welcome!

I was inspired by my sister-in-law, Sheri (here's her blog site), to create a blog of our own to keep everyone updated on what's new in 'Smalliver', that's what Scott calls his home town Oliver. I am very new to blogs so please be patient with my limited skills and creativity.
This is a picture of the three loves in my life right now. My husband, Scott, our 1 1/2 yr old RottiX, Kali & our new baby, 4mos. old Black LabX, Logan. They keep me busy 24/7, but I wouldn't give up a minute of it.


J.Lo said...

Hey Big Sis,

Nice Blog site. I love the photos of yor pups and your hubby. I'm just suprised you didn't get a picture of Logan nipping Scott or Kali. :) Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Sheri said...

hey Joy needs a blog too!

she could post her fab cards

(hey, thanks Joanne for the pretty b'day card - loved the fall colours).

melbawolczuk said...

Hey Joanne!

Nice to here you are doing ok. I will put you in my favs and check it once and while.

Mel and Pat

sparadis said...

Enjoy your site. Your usual christmas gift is in the mail. Hope you enjoyed your trip to the big city of KLO. LOvE Mom