Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gun Cleaning 101

I suppose it was inevitable being that he is Scott's child and all...
Today my little boy learned how to clean a gun... Not shoot it, yet, but gun safety rules and how to take care of your equipment. I can't believe how quickly he picked up what the different parts are and where they go and how it all works. Even Mommy doesn't know all that information. A quick and eager pupil under Daddy's patient guidance.
Another day to go down in the books in 'Life with Scott & Jackson'.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

For the Birds...

Not sure if there are any hungry birds out there in this cold winter weather, but we finally put up the yummy suet birdseed hangers....
Come and get it!

Jackson wanted to be sure that we took a picture of Daddy using the BBQ rotisserie skewer to hang up the bird treats! He thought his Daddy was pretty smart for coming up with that idea and really funny too!

Monday, January 9, 2012

How to Be a Rock Star By a 4 Year Old

Lesson one...
Jump on the bed (only allowed in a hotel so go crazy) and sing out loud really loud. Anything by Johnny Cash or Billy Talent are best.

Lesson two...
Have a contest of who can jump the highest. Never give up even if the other guy is bigger than you.

Lesson three...
Find a cute chick (or Mommy will do) to cuddle.

Lesson four...
Dive into all life throws at you full force with no regrets.

Lesson five...
Have a pants-off dance-off to celebrate all the little things in life.

These lessons brought to you by J-Man courtesy of his Hotel stay on the coast.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hannah-Lulu Luau

Hannah is one! This is her own 'smash' cake made by her Mommy.
She is such a talented and wonderful momma.

We are so happy to have been able to share in Hannah's first birthday luau.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us all.

Lots of wonderful traditional food made by her Mommy & Daddy.
Family, friends and lots of fun.

Pretty Pineapple Princess
Can't wait to watch you grow up into a beautiful young woman.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Did you hear the "Good News"

Beary exciting news around these parts...
We won a CHBC Good News Bear!

We made a donation to the local food bank this year and our names were drawn to win on these beautifully hand crafted custom bears.

His name is Gus the bus driver and he is as cute as a button, just like his new owner, Jackson.

Jackson is seen here chatting up Mr. Mike Roberts, the CHBC weatherman. Maybe a future career in television???