Sunday, October 23, 2011

A'Maze'ing Pumpkin Kinda Weekend

It started as a foggy, dreary autumn day with a crisp bite in the air....
Just the most perfect kind of weather for a harvest adventure in Smalliver!

After a delicious breakfast made by Daddy, crisp bacon and warm French toast smothered in maple syrup, we bundled up, put on the boots and headed to our local corn maze. If you have never been to Covert's farm for the maze, you are missing out on some awesome family fun.

Scott and I did not know what to expect as neither of us had remembered ever going to a corn maze. It's more of a treasure hunt than just traipsing around in some muddy corn fields. There is a whole game you play as you wander around the fields and Jackson, Scott and I had an a'maze'ing time. I won't spoil the surprise in case you decide to go. They have some other great play areas for the kids as well as the cute little cafe/coffee shop. Really worth a few hours on a lazy weekend.

Then it was off to Reid's to pick out our Halloween pumpkins. We went with the intention of only getting two, but came away with five. It's hard to narrow it down to only two when there are just so many that you want to take home.

And once they were home, Scott & Jackson set to digging into the big guy to give him a little personality. The laughs and giggles of the day make the memories we will carry with us long after the pictures have faded. Thanks for sharing in our Happy Harvest Day!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Crazy about George and Playmobil

Jackson's most recent obsessions over the last month have been Curious George and Playmobil.
I must admit that I don't mind that mischievous monkey so much as he's cute and always minds his manners. And our Netflix has a few seasons now so we rarely watch a repeat.

And now that he has his own Playmobil catalog, that is his preferred reading material. Forget the Sears Wishbook when this little book has all his Santa list in a tidy little package. I'm sure that I will be needing some tape for a few favourite pages any day now. PS please ask 'Santa's helpers' if you are thinking of getting any Playmobil for Jackson as there is already an order in with the Big Jolly Guy for under the tree.
Of course you never know that he could be into by next month...