Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hallowe'enie!

Newest OFD Rookie takes the biggest haul!
Our little firefighter was out & about the town tonight. Making sure all were safe & the treats were being collected. And he made his momma proud with his manners & polite festive greetings. Very thankful for the practice at lunch & dinner time. Cuteness only gets you so far, but thank yous & Happy Hallowe'en is the icing on the cake!

I can't believe this is his third year already. First our little bear, then came our monkey, now our grown-up firefighter. But by 7:30 be was asking to go home. I asked him what his favourite part of the night was and his reply was... when I let Daddy have just one piece (of his candy). So absolutely adorable. Little does he know that Daddy will be munching so much more than just one piece once he is asleep.

Happy Hallowe'en!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Breakfast of a Champion

This was Jackson's breakfast of choice.

Cinnamon Apples, Peanut Butter & Real Bacon Bits Wrap, and Chocolate Milk.
A little odd but the flavours work.... A master chef in the making perhaps???

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Banana Soupy

Baking with an almost three year old takes a lot of patience and a good sense of humour.
So many times I just want to rush through to get things done and get on to the next task. But having a little guy certainly puts the importance of good quality time to the forefront and savouring every second you spend with your kids.
It may have taken us over an hour to make the muffins that usually only take me about 15 minutes to get into the oven, but it was one of the best hours I have had all week! We laughed, we got dirty and we loved every minute.

He insisted on wearing an apron like Mommy's. It was very long and at one point he picked up the sides and said 'Look Mommy, a princess!' My kid totally cracks me up! It only got better as the afternoon progressed.
Making muffins with Jackson was so much fun and I am glad I took the time to just enjoy it!